Shropshire Youth Theatre’s senior group meet on Thursdays from 7pm until 9:30pm during term time for young people aged 13 – 25. Seniors have a unique opportunity to develop their skills as actors under the guidance of performance artist, academic and SYT alumni Lisa Morris and benefit from movement coaching and physical performance technique industry professional Maggie Love. The year begins in September with auditions for our annual production, which is performed at Shrewsbury’s Theatre Severn just before Easter. Seniors have the opportunity to audition for parts in the production, or take backstage roles as stage managers, costume and set designers, and composers and sound designers. Following production week, seniors focus on a summer programme of stand-alone specialist skill sessions, including improvisation and character building sessions, and devised performance workshops.
Our Junior sessions for 9-12 years olds enable students taking their first steps in drama to learn and improve performance technique and to present their work to an audience. Junior students take part in a varied range of workshops, from early steps in devising and comedy to learning how to approach a script. Juniors also develop important vocal and movement skills to prepare them for future theatrical endeavours and to improve their speaking, presentation and communication abilities.
Our junior sessions focus on drama workshops and techniques, and provide a foundation for approaching classical text in the future. The junior sessions also give students the opportunity to work on monologue texts ready for audition processes and to create their own work, either in response to existing literature or in creating something completely new in our annual sketch show.
SYT Juniors meet during term time (10 weeks per term) between 11am and 1pm at The Hive in Shrewsbury
Beginners, aged 6-9 years old, take part in a variety of playful and energetic workshops designed to introduce the basics of drama techniques. Working from children’s literature, fables and legends, SYT Beginners is a place where imaginations can run wild and children can express themselves in a safe and creative atmosphere.
Students are introduced to physical and vocal exercises designed to introduce good technique, and games and activities that encourage participation, team work and communication. SYT Beginners is a place to instil confidence in our youngest performers and to provide opportunities for children to work together to perform to friends and family.